Student Engagement & Wellbeing


Students can only reach their educational potential when they are happy, healthy and safe.    At Roxburgh Rise Primary School we foster caring relationships and aim to instil a strong sense of belonging.

Students are supported by classroom teachers and every grade level is supported by a learning specialist for both educational and wellbeing support. Speech pathologists and an occupational therapist provide therapy and assessment.  A psychologist fulfils the role of Student Wellbeing Officer and provides cognitive, social and emotional interventions.    Students with disabilities are supported through the Program for Students with Disabilities.  Integration aides and multicultural aides provide specialised and targeted support.

Respectful, caring relationships are also fostered between students. Our student leaders, peer mediators and buddies are encouraged to model respect, inclusiveness, support and excellence when interacting with others. Our KidsMatter lunchtime clubs include craft activities, Lego, robots, dancing and board games.  We teach our students how to be resilient and provide opportunities for them to feel empowered in student-led projects. Our school community works hard to ensure our school is a happy, vibrant and engaging place.

Roxburgh Rise Primary School is a Be You Learning Community (previously known as KidsMatter). We implement strategies that promote a positive community; founded on respectful relationships and a sense of belonging and inclusion. The Berry Street Education Model is a school-wide trauma-informed social and emotional program. We teach students the skills they need in order to be successful in school, experience wellbeing, and have positive relationships. Social and emotional lessons are taught every Monday morning, together with skills for lifelong learning, such as self-regulation and teamwork.