
Children are not permitted to walk through the school carpark. Car parking is for staff only. Parents are not permitted to use this area for parking.

The following is a brief summary of the rules and regulations that you need to follow to avoid receiving a Traffic Infringement Notice:

  • DO NOT PARK in No Standing Areas around the school. These are signed to ensure that traffic can flow in the streets surrounding our school and the safety of our students is protected. Children exiting and boarding cars in No Standing areas are putting themselves at high risk as other drivers don’t expect this to happen.
  • DO NOT PARK in the Disabled Parking Bays unless you have the appropriate permits to do so.
  • OBEY PARKING SIGNS around the school. 15minute parking on Lockwood Drive before and after school. Be aware that the local council does patrol these areas on a regular basis.
  • DO NOT PARK ON GRASSED AREAS. Vehicles parking / driving on the grassed areas are often not expected by pedestrians.
  • Travel at an appropriate speed. Maximum speed on roads around the school during pick up/drop off times is 40kmph.
  • STOP at the Pedestrian Crossings when someone is crossing the road.

To assist with parking congestion we encourage you to:

  • If  weather permits walk your child to school or allow your child to walk or ride their bike to school if old enough. Their bike can be locked away in our bike compound during the day.
  • Park a short distance from the school in neighbouring streets and walk to pick your child up.