Foundation Orientation Program

The Orientation program provides an excellent introduction to our school for your child and yourself. For the children, it provides an opportunity for them to become familiar and comfortable with the school surroundings and personnel before actually commencing their schooling. For the parents, it provides an opportunity for them to get to know more about school in the new millennium and how Roxburgh Rise Primary School operates. Roxburgh Rise Primary School believes the education process is a joint responsibility of the school and home and seeks to involve parents in their child’s educational program. Each child will progress developmentally according to his or her interest in learning, potential to learn and the encouragement, support and assistance provided by teachers and families. There is no limit to the learning of each child, as he or she will be able to develop at an individual rate. This webpage contains important information about our school including school routines so that you can become familiar with day-to-day operations at Roxburgh Rise. There is also information about opportunities where you can become involved in facets of everyday school life.  As Principal I am available to assist both you and your child with any problems you may have. Our school strives to provide a quality education to each child in a caring and happy environment. We value the assistance families can provide in ensuring our school continues to maintain the highest possible standard for each and every one of its students!

Regards, Chris Bozikas, PRINCIPAL 


Progress from home or preschool to school, is among the first and most dramatic of social transitions made by young children.  Parents and others who are aware of the demands which are likely to be placed on these young children, can do much to support them and ease this transition.  Children develop at different rates and start school with varying levels of ability. A t Roxburgh Rise Primary School we take this into account when planning programs and activities.  There are many ways that parents can prepare their children for school and help make the transition as successful as possible.  For example: Preschool is the ideal way to prepare your child for school, but, where preschool has not been practical, creche, playgroups or playing at home with other children can provide opportunities for children to learn the art of socialising and independent behaviour.

Talk to your child about what they can expect, but don’t go to extremes by giving your child unrealistic or false ideas about school.  Some children will wonder ‘Is that all there is?’ if their expectations have been built up too much.  Others may regard school with a degree of apprehension.  At Roxburgh Rise Primary School we have a transition program for our Prep intake.  If your child is unable to take part in this program, it will help if you bring your child up to the school at some time before the first day to familiarise them with the surroundings.

The First Day

Your child must arrive at school by 8.55am. Please bring your child to the school gym, where you will meet your child teacher. When you and your child have greeted the teacher, say goodbye brightly and then go. If you feel like crying, wait until you’re in the car. If you linger over the and appear hesitant, your anxiety will spread to your child. If your child starts crying, take your cue from the teacher. Repeat your farewell greeting, and then leave. The teacher will comfort your child and have him/her settled within minutes. Please make sure your child knows that you will pick him/her up from outside the Prep classroom. *If you are going to be late, please contact the General Office.  A few suggestions: Upon your child’s return home don’t say, ‘we had a great day while you were at school. I took baby to Grandma’s and we had jelly and ice cream!’ Your child is bound to be cross. Dont expect your child to necessarily run beaming into your arms and tell you all about their first wonderful day. If you ask your child what he/she did they will probably say ‘Nothing’ your child may be hot, tired and irritable. Allow them time to relax. It may take the first term and the Easter break for them to adjust to the pace of school life. As the time draws closer there are a number of things that a parent can do to help their child settle in more easily. These can include:

  • Take your child to a friend’s or relative’s home to stay for a while so that he/she will accept the fact that you cannot always be with them.
  • Walk with your child to school so that he/she knows the way even if you plan to drive.
  • Point out the different playground areas.
  • Choose a school bag that is an appropriate size for your child. *We have school bags available from our Uniform Supplier.
  • Label your child’s clothing, lunch box and possessions together so your child can identify them. *Practise unwrapping lunch and undoing drink bottle with your child.
  • Talk about how long the school day will be in a way that the child will understand – eg. “It’s as long as Kinder, then you’ll have lunch and perhaps some stories. Then I will pick you up.”
  • Talk about the differences between playtime and lunchtime.
  • Show him/her what food you have packed each morning.
  • Make sure your child knows where you will be meeting them each day.
  • Encourage your child to play with other children.
  • Read to your child every day. Five to ten minutes is all it takes.
  • Help your child become aware of the colours and numbers around him / her and also being able to recognise his / her name.
  • Teach your child to independently use the toilet. We suggest you provide a spare pair of underwear, socks and track pants in a plastic bag, which can be kept in your child’s school bag in case of a toileting accident at school.
  • Your attitude to your child’s first few days at school is most important. Be positive and convey to your child that school is a happy place.
  • Send your child to school ON TIME each day. All children should be in the school grounds by 8.55am.
  • Try to set aside a special time each day to listen to what your child wants to tell you and encourage him/her to communicate with you.
  • Be interested in the work your child brings home from school.
  • Let him/her tell you about their work and display it in a special place.
  • Each child’s development at school will be at a different rate. Please respect your child’s individuality and do not compare him/her with other children.
  • Make yourself known to your child’s teacher. Discuss expectations and ensure that you both have the same ground rules for your child.
  • School should complement home life. Encourage your child to speak politely, to listen carefully and to obey reasonable requests from the teacher promptly.
  • Label everything your child brings to school with their name.
  • Provide your child with a rich background of nursery rhymes, stories and songs.
  • Read them to him/her, look at the pictures and talk about them.
  • Let your child see you write eg. letters, shopping lists.
  • Encourage your child to write also by providing him/her with paper and pencils.
  • Play games with your child. Games like ‘Snakes and Ladders,’ ‘Ludo,’ ‘Monopoly’ and simple card makes are excellent means of helping your child to understand number concepts and number patterns.
  • On weekend trips encourage your child to take things back for classroom share time.
  • Impress upon your child the need to use school crossings where these are provided.
  • Expensive / Valuable toys should not be brought to school.


  • Absences: The Department of Education require parents or guardians to supply a written explanation for the absence of any child. Children should not be absent from school except for illness or extremely pressing family circumstances. Class teachers are willing to provide work for a child who is away for an extended period.
  • Admission Form: All children new to the school must have an official Enrolment form. There is certain emergency information that must be completed on the form: eg. Medical conditions, friend or neighbour contact in an emergency. Please remember that all information on the form is strictly confidential. It is important that parents inform the school of any change of address, telephone number or emergency contact so that we can keep records up to date. Information is strictly confidential.
  • Before / After School Care: Our Outside School Hours Care program is run by Camp Australia. Application forms are available from the school office. All parents should also register with Centre Link for their Child Care Benefit rebate.
  • Book Lists: A full Booklist will be provided each year. This includes all classroom supplies and Specialist program materials. Please note that parents who are eligible for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF), will be required to complete the appropriate application form at the beginning of the school year. Please refer to this Booklist for full details on the collection and payment of Books & Requisites Packs.
  • Canteen: All children can purchase their lunch at the canteen every day. Students are required to order their lunch on a brown paper bag with their name, room number and correct money enclosed. *Please note that a Canteen Pricelist will be sent home to all families on the first day of school.
  • Curriculum/Professional Development Days: Every primary school has been granted four Curriculum and Professional Development Days. This time has been allocated to teachers for the purposes of in-service education, curriculum development and planning.
  • Enquiries: Contact can be made with the school in a number of ways:
    • Through the General Office: Messages may be left for teachers or appointments may be made with teachers or the Principal at the general office. Parents may phone ‘ 9305 4334 or directly approach the office.
    • Urgent Messages Only: Urgent messages may be left for children at the office ie. Your car breaks down and you are unable to pick up your child. To minimise disruption please ensure messages are for emergency reasons only.
    • Through Your Child’s Teacher: Minor concerns such as lunch arrangements, money for excursions, reasons for absences, etc. can be directly related to the class teacher. The best time to see the teacher is before 8.40am and after 3.15pm or by arranging a suitable time. During instruction time is not a convenient time to speak to teachers.
    • All major concerns relating to teachers and pupils should go through the Principal or Business Manager.
  • Illness: Children should not be sent to school when they are ill; however, when a child becomes ill at school we place him/her in the ‘Sick Bay’ and contact you at the phone number given to us on the emergency form that you have filled in. Therefore, it is extremely important that this information is kept up to date. During a child’s life at school it is possible that a child will contract some of the common diseases of childhood.  The following list shows how long you child should be absent:
    • Chicken Pox: Until fully recovered. Please note some remaining scabs are not an indication for continued exclusion.
    • Head Lice: Until treated with solution as recommended by the City of Hume, Health Office.
    • Impetigo: Until sores have fully healed. The child may be allowed to return provided that appropriate treatment is being applied and that sores on exposed surfaces such as scalp, face, hands and legs are properly covered with occlusive dressings.
    • Measles: For at least seven days from the appearance of the rash or until medical certificate of recovery is produced.
    • Mumps: Until fully recovered
    • Ringworm: Until appropriate treatment has commenced and is supported by a medical certificate.
    • Rubella: Until fully recovered and at least 4 days from the onset of the rash.
    • Scarlet Fever: Until a medical certificate of recovery is produced.
    • Viral Hepatitis: Until a medical certificate of recovery is produced, or on subsidence of symptoms but not before seven days after onset of jaundice.
    • Whooping Cough: For four weeks or until a medical certificate of recovery is produced
  • Late Arrival Process: Children who arrive after 9.00am must enter the school via the office and receive a ‘LATE PASS’ Parents will be notified if their child is regularly late.
  • Leaving the School: Children are not permitted to leave the school ground at any time, for any reason without the knowledge and direct approval of the Principal or the person in charge of the school at the time. Parents wishing to collect their child from school prior to the 3.15pm dismissal time must first call at the office to complete an Early Release Form. Parents are not permitted to collect their child directly from the classroom. Library: Children may borrow books from the school library. Parents should ensure that library books are cared for in the home and that they are returned by the due date. You are expected to pay for the replacement of any lost, misplaced or damaged books. All children are asked to bring along a library bag to carry books in. Library bags can be purchased from the General Office or Uniform Supplier.
  • Lost Property: All clothing, drink bottles, lunch boxes, school bags and so on should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Any lost property can be claimed from the lost property trolley in the foyer of the General Office. Lunch Time: Children eat lunch indoors from 1.25pm to 1.35pm. Children may go home for lunch only with written authorisation from a parent.
  • Medicines: Any medication such as tablets or Asthma Puffers is to be left at the office, with clear written instructions. A “Consent to Administer Medication” form is available from the office. For children with asthma an Asthma Management form will need to be completed and an inhaler left in the Sick Bay for your child.
  • Parents’ Access to Pupils: It will be assumed that both parents and guardians will have access to pick up their child unless the school is notified in writing of limited access or child custody cases.
  • School Hours:
    • 9.00am – Session 1
    • 11.00am – Morning Recess
    • 11.30am – Session 2
    • 1.25pm – Lunch eaten in Classroom
    • 1.35pm – Lunch Break
    • 2.15pm – Session 3
    • 3.15pm – End of School Day

A Checklist for Parents

Does your child…

  • Have a named, manageable good size school bag (*The school bag is preferable)? Allow them to pack their own school bag.
  • Have a named school library bag?
  • Have a named Art smock?
  • Have a named lunch box and know how to unwrap their lunch?
  • Have a named drink bottle?
  • Have a named School Uniform hat? (Hats are compulsory only in terms 1 & 4).
  • Have appropriate footwear?
  • Independently dress and undress themselves?
  • Know his/her teacher’s name and room number?
  • Independently go to the toilet?
  • Has spare clothing (ie. underpants, socks, trackpants?
  • Understand what to eat at playtime, lunchtime?
  • Understand that you will pick him/her up after school?
  • Identify their name?
  • If asthmatic – Have an Asthma Plan from your doctor and know when and how to use their medication?