Grade 1

Grade 1 Term 2 Overview 2016

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back to the commencement of term 2. We hope you all had a safe and fun filled break. Please find below an outline of the learning and teaching programs for Term 2. Due to the wide range of student abilities in each classroom, the teaching and learning program will be structured so that all students are extended.

We are encouraging all students to bring a bottle of water to school daily and a piece of fruit or vegetable. This will help in maintaining concentration and water levels in the body.


You can help your children understand the importance of nightly reading by encouraging continuous experiences with books, listening to them read every night, asking questions about the story and reminding them to put their reading pack back into their bag before coming to school. Homework will consist of one English and one Math activity per week along with your weekly spelling and counting practice.





Students will be grouped with other students of like needs. They will read fiction and non-fiction texts with a focus on reading strategies to develop confidence and fluency in their reading. Some of these include; chunking sounds to read tricky words, re-reading when it doesn’t make sense, thinking about what the story is about, reading with expression and stopping at full stops and commas.


Students will complete activities that reinforce their understanding of texts;

–       Self-correcting misread words

–       Understanding the author’s purpose

–       Retelling what they have read in their own words

–       Understanding the main idea and finding detail in text

–       Re-reading a sentence or piece of text to improve understanding


Writing sessions will concentrate on letter formation and the use of punctuation. Characteristics of various genres will be explored via the writing of recounts, book responses, movie responses, information reports and procedures. Children are provided with opportunities to develop their writing skills in the different genres with a focus on talking marks, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

Speaking & Listening

Students will have many opportunities to speak in front of others to encourage & increase their confidence. Students will be encouraged to put into practice the qualities of what makes an effective speaker & active listener through daily classroom news, presenting inquiry projects and sharing sessions. There will be an emphasis on tone & volume, asking questions and retelling stories. Students will also be provided opportunities to enhance these skills when participating in persuasive presentations and oral language activities.


Strategies will be developed through the weekly study of selected words and spelling patterns. Students also receive individual spelling words each week to practise at home and are tested each week.



This term, during Mathematics sessions, students will be learning about the following:
Number Focus:

–       Place value/ Counting

–       Addition

–       Fractions/Sharing

–       Money


Measurement/Data Focus:

–       Capacity

–       Time

Statistics and Probability

–       chance

Discovery Learning


The topic for our Discovery Learning will be ‘Healthy Communities”. Through their investigations students will explore and discuss how can we be healthy, happy and part of our local community. Students will partake in a two-week swimming program to launch the healthy community’s topic. They will be given opportunities to explore, create and reflect upon their understandings. We will focus on developing their ability to work collaboratively in teams, interacting positively with peers, and setting goals and developing plans of action.

An excursion for Term 2 has been planned for students to enhance their understanding of healthy communities and what products and services are provided in our local communities.   Students will be visiting Cragieburn Central, the local library and gym to develop these understandings. They will take part in a mini boot camp at the gym, a tour of the library and a discussion about the facilities and services provided in our local area.

Kind Regards Grade 1 Team, Dianne Saikaly, Jessie Muscat, Stephanie La Mendola, Filiz Yariz, Peter Hodson, Melanie Scicluna, Melissa Brown